Saturday, July 14, 2007

Shedding My Skin

I haven't posted in a few days because I have been busy. I am sure all of SL is now aware of the Face of Style contest being put on by Celestial Studios and Last Call. If not, you can check it out here.

Yes, I am planning to enter and I have been working non-stop on my photos. No, you cannot see the pictures... yet. The rules for contest require you to wear clothes and skin from one of the two designers. The clothes were easy, as both designers have beautiful, high quality designs(MUCH more to say about that later). What was much harder was committing to a new skin.

Skin is probably the single most important item you can buy for your SL self. It makes you who you are. My first (and until recently, only) purchased skin was Pale-Brick House by Gala. It has given me the face you have come to know and love ;-P

I love the phenomenal makeup detail on my Gala skin, the soft and porcelain skin tone, and the reserved yet accurate "lady parts." However, the makeup I choose for my skin lacks a certain drama for formal occasions. I had been planning to buy a new skin with smokier makeup for evening and darker hair colors. I had been planning on buying from Gala again, but the before-mentioned contest caused me to take a look at the Vogue skins at Celestial Studios.

The CS Vogue skins are completely different from Gala skins and I was shocked at how different I looked as i tried on the demos. The difference was so great that I was not sure if I could make the switch to Vogue, but as I tried the different demos on (for hours btw) I really came to like my new "supermodel" look. The result was this:

The skin I chose was the CS Vogue- Pure skin in Light Noir (how fitting). The Vogue skins are less realistic than the Gala skins and while that might sound like a criticism, it is not. One problem I had with the Gala skins is that the light makeup i chose made me look dead around the eyes in some lights and direct daylight really bleached out my face. My new Vogue skin is much more flattering in a wider variety of light and gives a smoother, more airbrushed look to the face. Vogue pack I bought comes with a plain and freckled skin with the same makeup which is super convenient.

In addition to the skins, the pack comes with 3 sized of awesome prim lashes!!! My previous experience with prim lashes were not so good. I found them so difficult to fit that I gave upon them. Not so with the CS Vogue lashes. They fit easily and they look SO lovely. And they work with my Gala skin as well( fixes the dead-eye thing nicely).

Another great thing about the Vogue skin is that they are semi-modible with sliders. There is limited adjustment of the eyebrow shade to match different hair colors and the lip color can be moded as well. To top it off, there is a little beauty mark near the eye for ultimate femininity.

So, change is hard and sometimes scary, but the great thing about SL is that you can have a face to match every aspect of yourself.

Aaaand... since I'm dying to share even though I know I shouldn't, here's an outtake pic from one of the (many) photo shoots I've done for the Face of Style contest featuring my brand new skin.

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