Friday, July 6, 2007

Sea-worthy Fashions

My last post was so long, i figured that I would talk about my cruise ship fashions separately.

The adorable white eyelet dress is the Veranda dress by Miko Omegamu of *ICING*. Featuring a lovely flowing prim skirt and bow, this dress is perfect for daytime adventures on or near the sea. I'll be writing more about *ICING* as they have a ton of super cute dresses and the prices there are excellent. The beaded necklace with fun knotted detail is from Shiny Things. I actually got this for free at the GNubie Store in Indigo. You can get it in Ruby or Mother of Pearl and is one of my favorite necklaces.

The shoes I'm sporting I actually purchased onboard. They are called Diva Pumps by Eye Candy and they cost only $L35! They have optional bling, Sexy Walk, and have 12 color change options. The AO is a little wonky, but they are cute, versatile and a steal!!

My Evening look is the 1897 Tzarina gown in Ruby by Shenlie Fine Millinery. I got this dress on clearance for only $L100. If it is still available, it comes is a variety of dramatic jewel tones and it perfect for the most formal of occasions. My hairstyle is Barbie by Hairapy. This hair is super cute and flirty. I love wearing it with all of my vintage day and party dresses, but I found while writing this piece that it can be great for sporty looks as well. Speaking of sporty...

I'm not super into sportswear, so I made my workout gear from bits and pieces I had in my inventory, all of which were free. The tank is the ETD wifebeater, the pants were part of the LandF Sporty Outfit, the wristbands were from Devilish Cupcake, and the shoes were PuNk Couture hightops. The main PuNk Couture shop is closed until autumn, but they have a kiosk in Emerald City. However, I'm not sure if the hightops are still free.

My skating outfit was also made from a collage of random items. The black gloves were free from a lingerie box. The shirt was the top of the Flexified Lacy Flower Dress (short) found at most of the free stores and warehouses. The prim skirt came from the French Spirit Black and Sexy Flex Dress and the "tights" were a black recolor of a freebie "New Pants." Not to shabby, wouldn't you say?

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